How to save electricity with a geyser timer

A geyser timer is an electronic device that can be installed to control the operation of your electric geyser or water heater. It is designed to switch the geyser on and off automatically according to a pre-set schedule, which can help to reduce electricity consumption and save money on your energy bills.

By default, electric geysers or water heaters are set to run continuously, which means they consume electricity 24/7 even when you are not using hot water. With a geyser timer, you can program the geyser to only run during specific times of the day or week when hot water is needed, such as during the morning and evening when people typically shower or bathe. This means that the geyser will be turned off during the times when hot water is not needed, which can help to save energy and reduce your electricity bills.

Here are some tips on how to save electricity with a geyser timer:

  • Set the timer to run the geyser only during the times when hot water is needed, such as in the morning and evening. Avoid running the geyser during the day when nobody is home or during the night when everyone is sleeping.
  • Adjust the timer schedule according to your household's hot water usage patterns. For example, if you have a large family that uses a lot of hot water, you may need to set the timer to run for longer periods of time.
  • Consider installing a geyser blanket or insulation to help retain heat and reduce heat loss from the geyser. This can help to reduce the amount of time the geyser needs to run in order to maintain a constant water temperature.

Regularly check and maintain the geyser to ensure that it is functioning efficiently. This includes checking the thermostat setting, cleaning the heating elements, and replacing any faulty components.

By following these tips and using a geyser timer to control the operation of your electric geyser or water heater, you can help to save electricity and reduce your energy bills. In South Africa, households with an electric geyser spend on average 40% of their electricity bill on heating up water... 60% of which can be saved by using a geyser timer set on 2 (continuous) hours per day. For example, a family of 5 who all shower between 6 and 7am every day only need to switch on their geyser between 5 and 7am.

View all geyser timers available for sale in South Africa.